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Get the Most out of Your Services

Having a marketing strategy is paramount to growing and maintaining your business but this doesn’t mean you can rely on your Digital Marketer alone in order to make this happen. Success in this matter takes teamwork involving not just your Digital Marketer, but you and your staff, volunteers, donors, stakeholders, and the community in which you serve. This collaboration will be key in giving you direction during times when nothing else does.

Below is an outline of specific strategies that are recommended in order to get the most out of your services. Thoughtfully consider each point and know that the more of these strategies you implement, the greater your success will be.


Identify Your Target Audience
Who is your audience? What is their age demographic? Their gender? Where do they live and work? What do they like? What social media platforms do they use? These are important questions to answer and once you've done that, your next question should be: What are you wanting to do for your audience? Defining your audience is going to help you target the right individuals and in the right ways.


Conduct a Survey

Surveys are a powerful way of getting some very specific data on what the needs of your audience are. Surveys can be done anonymously which incentivizes individuals to be completely honest about their feelings, meaning you get the real data. And even more, studies even show that surveys increase customer satisfaction. Your Digital Marketer can develop a survey for you, market it, and then aggregate the data into a report in order to assist you in optimizing your own brand.

Get a Website
A good website is your first go-to for current and prospective customers. Even if you can be found on social media or Google, your audience needs a digital headquarters to visit and a website serves to promote your business around the clock. Your website not only acts as a promotional tool, but it tells the story of your business and what you offer; your website provides contact information and highlights your brand. Your Digital Marketer can create and maintain a great website for you.


Keep Your Website Safe

Purchasing a website and declining monthly maintenance services is like buying a new car and never getting oil changes. Without website maintenance, your site can experience errors, bugs, slow loading times, piracy, and other vulnerabilities, all of which will impact not only your site's ranking but can be detrimental to your reputation. Site maintenance services will ensure your site remains fully up to date and secure.

Invest in a Logo
Having a logo is important and is a crucial part of your brand identity because it grabs attention and makes a memorable impression. A logo separates you from your competition and fosters brand loyalty. Your Digital Marketer can design some attractive sample logos to reflect the face of your business and assist you in choosing which logo is most appropriate.

Hold Fundraising Events
Having a consistent flow of revenue will make or break your cause and if your business is a nonprofit, it is highly crucial to have as many fundraising events as possible and on a regular frequent basis. Fundraising can also build your donor base, provide donor and sponsor recognition, raise awareness for your cause, and strengthen your relationships. It is also wise to consider having both in-person fundraising events and online fundraising events.

Implement Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate Marketing is a useful way to gain credibility by getting others to mention you. With affiliate marketing, you promote the products and/or services of another business. Then a purchase is made as a result of your referral, your business is then compensated with a commission. Choose affiliates that are relevant to your industry and who have good reason to promote your products.

Sign up for Social Media Marketing
You may not have time to stay on top of your Facebook and Instagram, but your Digital Marketer does. Social media marketing is a powerful and effective way to build and serve your audience, grow engagement, and bring in more profit. Signing up for this service with your Digital Marketer will enable your audience to be directly and consistently targeted.


Utilize Intellectual Property

The intellectual property of your Digital Marketer is a personal touch that can increase the success of your business in a profound way. Intellectual property is the "brand likeness" of a person and is commonly used via video, audio, and photos of your Digital Marketer, their voice, face, and person. (This is something that can only be utilized if it is in your service contract so reach out to your Digital Marketer today to ask to have this instated.)

Share Your Social Medias
Your Digital Marketer will keep your social media accounts active but you play a strong role in personally pointing your audience to your social media sites. For example, if you have a personal Facebook account, you should use that to invite your friends and contacts to your business’s Facebook account. Use all of your personal social media accounts to post about your business and do this as frequently as possible.

Introduce Email Marketing
An electronic newsletter program is highly influential because it not only helps your audience stay informed with your events and announcements but it also keeps your business on your public’s radar. In collaboration with your Digital Marketer, they can create and send correspondence with important information thus keeping your entire team and clientele engaged. Contact your Digital Marketer and ask how to instate email marketing.

Read Your Digital Marketing Reports
Your Digital Marketer will send you FREE monthly reports which entail an outline of services provided, statistics, and recommended next steps. Do not ignore these reports because they are the pulse beat of communication from your Digital Marketer; as well, be sure to share these reports with your business management team. These monthly reports are embedded into your invoices.

Heed the Advice from Your Digital Marketer
Also embedded into your monthly invoices, are FREE recommended and individualized next steps that have been sincerely thought out for how to take your business to the next level. Your Digital Marketer has the skills and experience to see your projects through a unique lens; their perspective is valuable and their advice is gold - but only if you implement it.

Communicate with Your Digital Marketer
Your events and announcements cannot be marketed unless your Digital Marketer knows about them. It is your role to communicate this information and/or ask questions. Email communication is a great way for you to relay this information but are you wanting to talk verbally instead? Meetings are a service that can be provided per your request. Don’t hesitate to contact your Digital Marketer if you are interested in a meeting.

Facilitate Every One of these Points!
Whether you are just starting up, or trying to grow, you want to be aggressive so don’t just complete one or two of the points listed above; complete all of them! Running a successful business requires purpose and intention so don’t give into the temptation to take short-cuts. Implement every matter as listed above. Be consistent. And watch what happens.


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